What is meldunek in Poland?

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What is meldunek? How do I get a meldunek in Poland?

The legislation of the Republic of Poland states that registration is mandatory for all Poles and immigrants, including Ukrainians, including those with the status of UKR, who stay on the territory of Poland for more than 3 months. On this basis, a lot of foreigners need to know how to get a zameldovanie in Poland.

What is meldunek?

Meldunek is a residence registration in Poland. That is an administrative procedure similar to the propiska or registration at the place of residence that foreigners are accustomed to. Zameldovanie helps local authorities to understand how many residents live in a given neighborhood, city or commune. Registration also helps to simplify access to various local services.

In most administrative procedures, a meldunek is not required in Poland, and the law does not prescribe sanctions for its absence.

But in general, for foreigners, obtaining a meldunk is a compulsory procedure – three months are given for registration at the place of residence. But if you plan to spend less than 30 days in Poland, you don’t have to worry about meldovaniya.

Zameldo in Poland is available on:

  • permanent term – for those who have a permanent residence permit
  • temporarily – for foreigners with visas or temporary residence permits.

How do you get meldunek?

In Poland, you can apply for a meldunek in two ways – online or by visiting a local authority.

For zameldovaniya via the Internet, you will need to provide the necessary documents in scanned form, as well as have Profil zaufany for electronic signature. Zameldovanie via the Internet is not available to all foreigners: only those who have citizenship of the EU, EFTA countries, or if there are citizens of these countries in the family.

For all other categories of foreigners, zameldovanie is available only by personal visit to the local administration.

It’s not difficult and will take a few minutes. You will need the following documents:

1. Identity card, as well as visa, residence permit, refugee certificate or other documents confirming the legality of stay in Poland.

2. Rental agreement or ownership documents for the apartment or house. If not, you will need the presence of the landlord at whose address you wish to register.

3. The application form can either be downloaded in advance from the Internet or taken from the administration.

If the alien does not have a PESEL number, one will be assigned and issued automatically when the alien is sealed.

The very procedure of obtaining a meldunka will not cost a foreigner anything, but you will have to pay 17 PLN to obtain a paper confirmation of the meldunka. If such a paper is needed for a child to submit to educational institutions (kindergarten, school), it will be issued free of charge.

Polish law prescribes uniform rules for zamoldovanie in all Polish cities. Therefore, it does not matter in which city you want to get a meldunek – the procedure will not be different, you just need to apply to the uząd in the place where you live.