What is meldunek in Poland?

What is meldunek in Poland?

What is meldunek? How do I get a meldunek in Poland? The legislation of the Republic of Poland states that registration is mandatory for all Poles and immigrants, including Ukrainians, including those with the status of UKR, who stay on the territory of Poland for more than 3 months. On this basis, a lot of […]

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Zaufana profile: definition, usefulness, how to get and who can access it.
What is a Zaufana Profile? Let’s start by clarifying the terminology and sorting out the misunderstandings associated with it There are only two methods of remotely confirming identity: Trusted ePUAP profile (Profil zaufany Elektroniczna Platforma Usług Administracji Publicznej). Qualified digital signature (Podpis kwalifikowany elektroniczny – KCP or EDS, or Polish PKE). There is often misunderstanding, […]